Open a course material from my institution's platform
Find out how to start taking notes from your institution's platform
If your institution has an integration with Amanote, you will benefit from the integration and synchronization of all course materials on your institution's platform with Amanote.
You can check whether your institution is an Amanote partner or request a partnership by clicking here
If your institution has an Amanote license without LMS integration, you can simply create an account Amanote with your institution's email address and your subscription will be automatically activated.
Start taking notes
First of all, you can go to your institution's platform and locate a course material (PDF, PowerPoint, or video) you'd like to annotate.
Then simply click on it, or on the Amanote icon next to it (depending on your institution's configuration), and a window will open.
The "View here" button lets you view the course material on the institution's platform, while the "Annotate this material" button lets you annotate it with Amanote.
Click on "Annotate", and Amanote will open with the course material loaded into the application.
If this is your first time using Amanote, you may be asked for authorization to log in.
You're now inside Amanote. In the following article, we'll show you how the interface works.
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